My Favorite Resources for Teaching Art to Children

kids painting project

As an art teacher who has been teaching art to children since 2011, I have learned a thing or two. One of the most important is that there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Lots of other art teachers have been there, done that. And they have great ideas to share. That’s why I like to follow and use ideas from other art teachers who share their expertise and tried and true projects for those of us who are floundering for ideas.

I am listing some of my favorite teacher resources below:

kids art project

Deep Space Sparkle-I love this blog for its creative project ideas, teacher support philosophy and all the things it offers. Not only are their free ideas, but there is a subscription-based program available twice a year, teacher development courses (I have taken three!) and all kinds of fun videos posted on Instagram. She also has a book full of fantastic art projects that I adore.

art projects for kids blue dog

Art Projects for Kids-Kathy Barbro’s drawing tutorials are so easy and fun for kids and I have used them many times as warm up exercises and even as full-blown projects. There are lots of free versions and even affordable bundles which I have invested in for themed camps and units.

Cassie Stephens Art Blog

Cassie Stephens-Art Teacherin 101-if you are an art teacher you have probably heard about Cassie Stephens. She is amazing not only for her art lessons, books and tips, but she is also an author of great books on how to teach art.

Teachers Pay Teachers-If you are looking for lesson plans in art subjects and do not mind paying small fees for great lessons, this is a good resource. And you are giving back to teachers who have put in a lot of work to create projects that often meet core standards.